Il Centro di Studi Medievali e Rinascimentali “E. A. Cicogna” è lieto di annunciare la propria partecipazione al convegno della Renaissance Society of America, che si terrà a Boston dal 31 marzo al 2 aprile 2016, dove presenterà due panel:
sabato 2 aprile 2016 alle ore 8.30 presso la Statler Room del Park Plaza Hotel di Boston “From Venice and to Venice between fifteenth and sixteenth centuries: people, books, ideas”, di cui di seguito un breve riassunto:
Between the 15th and 16th century, a time when the discovery of America begins to shift world’s commercial axes from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic, Venice is one of the main centers of Italian Humanism and a European hub in the circulation of goods, people, books and ideas.
e giovedì 31 marzo 2016 alle ore 17.30 presso la Emerson Room del Park Plaza Hotel di Boston “The pilgrimage to the Holy Land between Middle Ages and Reinassance: sources and interpretations” This panel aims to analyze such circulation in this particular time of the Serenissima Republic.
In the Middle Ages pilgrimages are, together with trade, the main agent for travelling. Drawing from the copious number of travel accounts that have been transmitted to us, we can reconstruct the way pilgrims travelled to Jerusalem and trace analogies with modern day travels.