Neolatin and its Uses

Il Centro Cicogna segnala la serie di seminari dal titolo Neolatin and its Uses Interdisciplinary Neolatin Seminars, Michaelmas Term 2016, organizzati presso il Corpus Christi College di Oxford dai Professori Stephen Harrison (letteratura latina, Fac. of Classics) e Paola Tomè (Marie Curie Fellow, Fac. of Med. and Mod. Lang.).

I seminari avranno luogo presso la Fraenkel Room del citato istituto nelle giornate del 13 e 20 ottobre, del 3, 10, 17 e 24 novembre nonché del 1 dicembre 2016 dalle ore 13 alle ore 14.15.

Il programma è il seguente:

13  Michael MALON LEE (Oxford): Ambrogio Traversari and networking among humanists in the 15th century
20  Stephen HARRISON (Oxford): Vergilian Divine Machinery in Thomas Campion’s De Pulverea Coniuratione /  Paola TOME’ (Oxford): Greek Studies in XVth Century Europe: webpage presentation

Marta CELATI (Oxford): Humanist epic between classical legacy and contemporary history: Orazio Romano’s Porcaria (1453) / Paul BOTLEY (Warwick): The Letters of Isaac Casaubon (1559-1614)
10  Giacomo COMIATI (Berlin): Latin Poems in the Italian Renaissance: Marcantonio Flaminio’s Carmina between Horace, Catullus, and Petrarch / Paola D’ANDREA: Reading Sannazzaro’s Poems
17  Caroline PETIT (Warwick): Reading medical texts: Symphorien Champier and Galen / Sheldon BRAMMALL (Oxford): Joachim Périon, Laurence Humphrey, and the Ciceronian Controversy in Translation Theory
24  Oren MARGOLIS (Oxford): Leonardo Bruni and the pontifex maximus /  Bobby XINYE (Warwick): The Politics of Time: Renaissance Poetic Calendars

1 Cressida RYAN (Oxford): Camerarius and Sophocles / David LINES (Warwick): Defining Philosophy in Fifteenth-Century Italy: The Case of Donato Acciaiuoli

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